Dr. Scheraga is an Associate Staff Physician at the Respiratory Institute and holds a secondary appointment in the Lerner Research Institute Department of Pathobiology, where her research focus is Acute Lung Injury and Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF). In the laboratory of Dr. Mitchell Olman, Dr. Scheraga has started to investigate the role of a calcium ion channel in macrophage function and activation. Determining the molecular mechanisms of immunologic function will aid in the treatment of multiple diseases. Her current research is focused on targeting unregulated pulmonary inflammation leading to tissue injury and fibrosis. In addition, Dr. Scheraga treats patients in the medical intensive care unit where patients develop progressive lung injury for which there is no current treatment. She also supervises trainees in the intensive care unit and teaches medical students about the immunology of pulmonary infections where she is Assistant Professor of Medicine in the Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine.
Education & Fellowships
Fellowship - National Institute of Health - Cancer Institute
Critical Care Medicine
Bethesda, MD USA
Fellowship - University of Maryland
Pulmonary Diseases
Baltimore, MD USA
Residency - University of Maryland
Internal Medicine
Baltimore, MD USA
Medical Education - Temple University School of Medicine
Philadelphia, PA USA
Undergraduate - Rutgers University
New Brunswick, NJ USA
Professional Highlights
"CIMER Trained Mentor" indicates the principal investigator has completed mentorship training based on curriculum from the Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research, aimed at advancing mentoring relationships and promoting cultural change in research.
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Dr. Grund joins third class of fellows in the Supporting Multidisciplinary Achievement in Respiratory Research Training (SMARRT) program
Dr. Scheraga will use the support to investigate novel signaling mechanisms that control macrophage function and protect the lung during trauma.